Monthly Collections for our End-of-year Packing Party

This year, we are going to collect items for our boxes all year long.  Each month, we will focus on certain items, but any shoebox appropriate items can be donated at any time of the year.  Drop off items in the big green box with the OCC sign in the Foyer.

As always, the following items are not acceptable:

Toothpaste, Candy, Food Items, Military/guns/knives, liquids/lotions and glass items.  Click here for the full list.

Here's what we're collecting!

January - Hair Care Items (brushes, combs, 

                  hair ties, bows, etc)

February - Writing Items (pens, crayons, pencils & sharpeners, pencil                    cases)

March - Clothing: Socks and Underwear

April - Wow Items: Dolls & Stuffed Animals

May - Personal Care Items: bandaids, first aid, female hygiene  products

June - Coloring Books, Notepads, Small Notebooks

July - Shoes, Shirts/Shorts/Pants

August - Wow Items: Water Bottles, Sunglasses, Tote bags

September - Washcloths, Small Blankets

October - Glue sticks, Tape, Playdough, Watercolor


November - Hats, Scarves, Mittens

December - Wow Items: Balls, Friendship Bracelets etc.